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Recycled yarn: pre-consumer, post-industrial or post-consumer?

Sustainability is now widely regarded as the next big revolution and is disrupting the way that business gets done. For the environment and society, that’s a very good thing. But it adds a high pressure on all those teams tasked with owning sustainability.

Once a brand decides to take the environmentally friendly journey, there is no going back. Customers every time more are being attracted by brand values and are looking for honesty, authenticity, and transparency.

Sustainability starts with design. The average life of a product is around two and a half years. If you design a timeless product to last, to be reused, to be recycled, and to be part of a closed loop system, then the product lifecycle can increase enormously. So environmental impact can be reduced through design.

At RESPIN we asses brands and teach the basics of materials so our clients can maximize the chances of picking the right fabric for your product purpose. We showcase what the different types of materials do and their environmental impact, as well as using design techniques to reduce waste, providing solutions to help them meet those goals.

We treat every project individually to make sure that our clients will select the best choice according to their needs, taking into consideration every single detail: product application, manufacturing process, packaging, delivery conditions etc.

We are very focused on material innovations, exploring continuously new types of fibers, allowing us to spin high quality recycled yarns which bring to our customers excellent technical solutions.

The main classification for recycled yarns is made considering the raw material origin. Due to this classification we speak about: Pre-consumer, Post-industrial and Post-consumer recycled yarns.

Pre-consumer recycled yarn

Waste discarded before it was ready for consumer use. It’s the reintroduction of manufacturing scrap back into the manufacturing process. This is the most common is use rag coming from garment factories.

Post-industrial recycled yarns

Raw material comes from discarded textiles before consumer use, the difference with pre-consumer is that the waste is generated in the weaving process, in weaving factories.

Post-consumer recycled yarns

Raw material comes from manufactured clothes, used by consumers or obsolete stocks from retailers.

The recommendation on the best type of recycled yarn must be based on the client needs. Choosing Pre-consumer, Post-industrial or Post-consumer recycled yarn we will impact positively to the environment, all of them are recycled and make lower impact than non-recycled yarns.

At RESPIN our most important objective is, as we argued previously, to have a full understanding of customer’s needs and advise them accordingly. We asses our clients considering endless possibilities which can turn into great solutions for them, not only by adding new attributes to the product manufacture itself, but also in their road to sustainability.

If you want an excellent answers for your needs, at RESPIN we can make your tailored suit!